2008 m. gegužės 9 d., penktadienis

Self-assesment of ESP learning

This activity has some parts. Firstly, summaries which I manage sufficiently well. As far as ESP vocabulary test is concerned, I try to learn all the most important words, therefore it is not difficult to do it well. Moreover, dictations is rather hard to me because very often I do not understant what is dictated and how to write more difficult words. Finally, contributions to weblogs are very easy for me, just I need to know spelling better.

To begin with, participation in class is very important activity, one problem for me is that very often I am not able to express my lithuanian thoughts in English. Secondly, presentations is not difficult for me, only problem is to find appropriate information. Finaly, speaking in pairs is activity that I manage quite well.

Listening activities in class in very difficult for me because I cannot understand what is said in records. I need simplier records. In addition to this, listening to podcasts is difficult for me too, perhaps I need to listen more in order to improve this listening skills.

Firsty, home reading is not difficult because I use dictionary, only problem is to choose meaning which would be correct in given context. Besides, class reading is not hard also because all unknown meanings are explained by teacher. Finally, reading comprehension exercises sometimes create some difficulties because of phrases that meanings are understanding difficult.

2008 m. gegužės 6 d., antradienis

Intellectual property (summary)

Intellectual property is someone written words, created art or music, invented technology. There are legal instruments in order to protect intellectual property.
Firstly, if a new discovery, scientific process is wanted to be protected from copying there is used patent. Secondly, when literature, artistic words, computer programs, movies and radio are wanted to be protected from copying there is used copyrights. Finally, companies use description to sell their products which is called trademark. There are several important conventions such as the Universal Copyright Convention, the Bern Convention, the Patent Corporation Treaty to enforcing intellectual property law internationally.
One more thing should be taken in to consideration, responsibility and consequences of breaking intellectual property. In some case infringing copyright can be a criminal offence and result imprisonment, huge fine or compensation.

2008 m. balandžio 16 d., trečiadienis

Other recent shootings at schools (summary)

Text is about shootings at USA schools from 1997 till 2001.
Firstly, there were mentioned fourteen events of shootings committed by adolescents from six to nineteen years old. Some of victims were wounded, there were even killed persons. Secondly, reasons of such behavior may be mental illness, possible access to the gun, having no responsibility for actions, wish of revenge. One more thing should be taken in to consideration, there were cases when police shoot juvenile delinquent in the event or criminals killed themselves but most were jailed and some sentences were suspended till eighteen.
Persons are psychologically unstable therefore they can’t control actions and just don’t know consequences of their behavior.

2008 m. balandžio 6 d., sekmadienis

English and Lithuania Judicial Institutions.

All countries of the world have their particular system of courts. It is interesting to know, what are similarities and differences between English and Lithuanian judicial institutions.
There are some similarities between English and Lithuania courts. First of all, both court’s systems have categories from lower courts to higher. Besides, these systems have High Court and Court of Appeal. In addition to this, in both systems there are Civil and Criminal divisions. Moreover, one part of English courts’ system is County Court, which in Lithuania is like District Court. Finally, in both judicial institutions can participate witnesses.
On the other hand, there are some differences between English and Lithuania judicial institutions. To begin with, the main difference is jury because in Lithuania there is no jury and in English is. Secondly, Lithuania courts’ system shows that our country is democracy and English courts reflect monarchy. Finally, in English there are no Special – administrative Courts as in Lithuania.
In conclusion, in spite of the fact that there are some differences between English and Lithuania judicial institutions, both have the most important similarity to ensure justice.

2008 m. kovo 4 d., antradienis

Prisons in UK and Lithuania

United Kingdom

There are more than 85000 prisoners in about 160 jails in the UK. The vast majority of them are in England and Wales, where more than 77000 prisoners are held. There categories of prisoners are: A, B, C, D.
For checking identities and monitoring numbers is responsible reception. New arrivals are strip searched and issued with prison clothes. They are seen by nurse, to identify those coming off drugs, on medication or feeling suicidal.
Accommodation varies between prisons, ranging from single cells to dormitories. A typical wing will also include recreation areas and a food survey. Cells have toilets and prisoners are allowed TVs.
All prisoners have access to education. With jails offering a mix of course, including vocational qualifications. There is significant take-up of English lessons among the many foreign prisoners.
Prisoners have breakfast, lunch and an evening meal cost an average of 1.87 per prisoner per day. Many jails no longer have dinning halls and prisoners will often eat in their cells.
All prisoners have sport facilities to encourage exercise and good health among prisoners.
Facilities for visitors vary, but many prisons have a waiting area with basic amenities. Prison staff make sure that a visit is allowed and that visitors have the right paperwork. Most visits take place in a designated room. Family visits, with toys and a play area for children are held once a month.


There is one jail, even 52 correctional inspections, 17 correctional institutions. And there are about 11000 convicted by imprisonment.
In reception all prisoners are taken in checking station. Then quarantine starts. During this time (10 days) prisoners state and behavior are identify in order to decide in which group of prisoners he/she should be: simply, easy or disciplinary.
Prisoners live in cells where they sleep, pass most of their time and even have a toilet. Of course, there are areas of recreation, showers and canteen. They are allowed to have computers but not internet because of relation with society.
All prisoners have access to education and even high education. There are prisoners, who studying at university. They have lessons once a week, when teacher come to prison and held a lecture.
Food is given for prisoners for free three times per day in canteen. If prisoners have their own money, their can buy some food in the shop, which is in prison.
Prisons include no exercises, prisoners have only area, where they can walk, breath fresh air and be outside.
In prisons there are visiting areas for short visiting (4 hours) and for long visiting (2 days)
All visitors before allowed to go to prison are checked and must show document of identity.

2008 m. vasario 12 d., antradienis

Civil and Public Law (summary)

There are a lot of categories of laws. Two of the most important are Civil law (analyses disputes among citizens within a country) and Public law (analyses disputes between citizens and the state, or between two states).
Most countries make differences between Civil and Criminal procedures. Civil actions are usually started by individuals. If in a civil action a defendant is found liable for civil wrongs he could be punished to pay a fine or damages for plaintiff. Criminal actions always started by the state and sued in Crown Court. The defendant could be prosecuted, found guilty and for this sentenced to life imprisonment. Besides, in civil case a crime cannot be proven if there is any doubt, therefore court will weigh evidences. In criminal cases all evidences must be proven ,,beyond reasonable doubt".
On the other hand, there is a contact between Criminal and Civil law. For example, loser of civil or criminal case must obey for orders of court and don't avoid liability.