2007 m. rugsėjo 20 d., ketvirtadienis

My future profession

There is no doubt, everybody dreams of choosing the rihgt profession. As far as I am concerned, I have just started to take step by step to my future career. I have entered to Mykolas Romeris University - Law and Penitentiary activity.
To tell the truth, I never thought that I will be studying something conected with law. It seemed too difficult for me. But now the more I study the more I am interested in penitentiary activities.
One more thing should be taken into consideration, that now I dream of becoming a professional procurator therefore profession which I have chosen gives me a lot of perspectives. Besides, I see that my university provides students with perfect conditions of studying. Therefore, opportunities to my future aims are very wide.
Finaly, law and penitentiary activity is an extraordinary subject because it is a bit dangerous due to work in prisons or correctional institutions. In spite of this fact, I hope I won't be frustrated and this profession will help me to become more intelligent, well educated person and after graduate to get a well-paid job.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that all people want to get maximum in their future, therefore it is extremely important to choose the right profession.